The history and philosophy of sport: from spontaneous decisions to the establishment of scientific principles and a strategy for victory
This is the first part of a study on sport
Ylli Përmeti
26/06/2024 - 15:13
Abstract: This study shows in general that sport in modernity operates without philosophy and without scientific principles and is dominated by spontaneous decisions and actions while an attempt to found it on scientific principles is taking place mainly in Britain, particularly in relation to football. The state of the mind of the “best” coaches, in other words, who have been examined hereafter, is not based on scientific principles, when they decide particular actions, but is based only on their own empirical “knowledge”, which contains more spontaneity than reasoning and rational principles.
But our country is far from those efforts, mainly because our governments have neither love nor knowledge for sports. Thus, in the first part of this study, is shown the miserable reality of sport in the last two or three decades in Albania and the main reasons; its development in modernity; and its philosophy. Next, is shown the nature and the effects of the game and the role of mass media and international institutions, and are examined the positions of the authorities regarding the tensions that were caused after our match with Serbia a few years ago. The second part shows the reasons for the shift in government spending and the basic principles for coaches and finally, those principles are examined and is being shown a strategy on how we can excel in sports and especially in football in the new conditions.
Historia dhe filozofia e sportit: nga vendimet spontane në themelimin e parimeve shkencore dhe një strategji për fitore
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